EMS Global distributes donated medical equipment, supplies, and training resources to the agencies we support

A new ambulance vehicle in MANDAL (Selenge Province) donated by Rotary has now been equipped with donations from Australia (2018).

Clinical Director Duncan McConnell hands over ambulance equipment and safety vests to the Mandal ambulance doctor and driver.

Nalaikh (Mongolia) Donations

Ambulance kits donated to Nalaikh District. Hospital officials at Nalaikh met with our team in 2018 seeking assistance with EMS equipment. We were delighted to be able to assist in 2019.

In 2023, we continued to support Nalaikh district EMS (on the outskirts of east Ulaan Bataar). The district features a large number of tourist resorts.

Even the smallest donations count. Project Leader Hamish McLean hands over two paediatric pulse oximeters donated by Happy Tots Kindergarten families in Brisbane, Australia, to Bayangol clinic director Dr Bayarmaa.

Selenge Province (Mongolia) Donations

A range of advanced life support and multi-casualty equipment donated to Bayangol Medical Centre and Baruunburen Soum.

Our project focussed on Bayangol in 2019 due to the high volume of road accidents and the on-going collaboration with Selenge Health Director Dr Od and Bayangol clinic director Dr Bayarmaa Ma. Bayangol also benefits from the work of local English teacher Ms Tsetesegsaikhan Gandbold who provided translation services and liaison with NEMA and the health clinic prior to our visit.

2019 Donations of equipment and training: estimated value $135,000 USD.

A number of ambulance response kits, safety vests for ambulance crews, and other equipment donated by companies in Australia and Canada, were distributed to the ambulance/NEMA personnel in various locations. The estimated value of donations in 2019 was USD $15,000. The estimated in-kind professional training is USD $120,000. We wish to acknowledge the kind contribution of the Government of British Columbia and the City of Vancouver who donated the time of our Canadian colleagues.

Past donations

A fully equipped Lifepack 12 vital sign monitor and defibrillator was donated by an anonymous Canadian donor to the Central Military Hospital Emergency Department in 2019. This is the first "all-in-one" monitor/defibrillator to be used in their emergency department.

Director of Governance, Joe Acker, hands over the device on behalf of the Canadian donor.