EMS-Global.org is a platform to provide information about our projects to stimulate interest and support. Our projects are conducted through Griffith University, Queensland, Australia.
Enhancing emergency medical services capabilities in low and middle income countries
Our current projects

Ambulance Assistant (Mongolia)
Aeromedical Critical Care (Mongolia)
The Ambulance Assistant course prepares ambulance drivers and fire and rescue professionals to assist ambulance doctors at emergency scenes.
The Aeromedical Critical Care program provides clinical and operational education to equip air ambulance doctors and nurses to provide critical care in the dynamic out-of-hospital environment.

Ambulance Doctor (Mongolia)
The Ambulance Doctor program provides contemporary, evidence-informed clinical and operational education to equip doctors to work in the complex out-of-hospital environment.
Mongolia, October 2024
This October, eight EMS Global paramedic instructors and three support team members will arrive in Mongolia to train almost 200 people over a two-week period.
Our "Roadside to Nationwide: EMS and Disaster Programs" are focused on supporting infrastructure, personnel, and operationalizing policy to equip Mongolia, and other nations, with an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system that meets public and government expectations.

”I do believe our collegial effort will strengthen Mongolian prehospital care and disaster management at the national level. Lives have been saved. Your training and research are having significant practical impacts in Mongolia.”
- Prof. Altansukh Samdan
Mongolian Society of Emergency Medicine
”The Ministry of Health is grateful for the support delivered by your program since 2017. Certainly, the feedback has been extremely positive and I am informed lives have been saved due to the increased training and donations of vital ambulance equipment.”
- Dr. Narangerel Jigjidkorloo,
Head of Medical Care and Services
Ministry of Health, Mongolia